Environmental training

Management and handling of chemicals and mixtures classified as highly toxic

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Email us at info@sqi.cz and we will get back to you.

The training is intended for all employees who handle hazardous chemical substances and mixtures in their work (handling is defined as production, import, distribution, sale, use, storage, packaging, labelling and intra-company transport).

Management and handling of hazardous chemical substances or mixtures classified as highly toxic must be ensured by a natural person who is professionally qualified (according to Section 44b(1) of Act No. 258/2000 Coll., the Act on the Protection of Public Health) or by an employee who has been demonstrably trained by a professionally qualified person.

Training topics:

  • legislative framework
  • classification and labeling
  • occupational safety and hygiene
  • storage of highly toxic substances and mixtures
  • safety data sheets
  • record keeping
  • first aid, toxicology
  • handling of hazardous chemicals and mixtures